Friday, 26 August 2011


I haven't included enough evergreen so am having a bit of a panic - thinking a few good worker bees like skimmia kew green, daphne laureola, hebe parvifolia and euphorbia mellifera (tho' am concerned about lack of sun for latter)

At the moment, I'm liking fatshedera as it gives height but leaves plenty of room for planting in front. I might also try experimenting with the Daphne bholua which I had 0riginally intended but later discarded for fear it might look a bit straggly ... think am going to go for it.... would however like to get a Hebe parv. in somewhere as it's such a nice plant and also the E. mellifera as its form is so pretty as is the colour of the foliage. skimmia could also be really handy for winter interest and is sufficiently woodlandy to play with the vibe of the rest of the garden.